**We are not able to provide merchandise that has any manufacturer company logo. We will advise you if the apparel product that is selected does not meet the OSU University branding requirements.**
Objective: A real estate agent wanted a useful promotional item to boost her personal branding and promote her services while staying top of mind all year round.
Product: Desk Calendar with 4-Color Ad
Personalization: Real estate firm logo on left with agent's headshot on the right, and personal contact info including name, address, website, and phone number in the center. Logo and artwork provided by the customer.
Method of Distribution: This agent gave the calendars out to new clients during their first in-person meeting and passed them out in lieu of business cards during her open house and local association events.
Marketing Outcome: This agent benefitted from a consistent branding message all year long. By including a link to her website on the calendar, she saw increased web traffic over the previous 12 months. The agent also saw increased phone calls and leads over the prior year.
Source: Warwick Publishing